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Site last updated: 1 April 2018. Periodic updates are made - This site is for historical purposes only and I have no political agenda or views. This blog is a personal hobby and while I endeavour to provide information as accurately as possible, it may be difficult due to the sometimes controversial nature of the artefact, or that little documented history is known. Like most collectibles, the decision about a piece still ultimately rests with you. All photos unless stated belong to the owner and permission must be sought in writing before use. Email us at: thirdreicheagles@gmail.com

Thursday 13 September 2012

History of the Nürnberg Eagle and this Blog

The Nürnberg eagle has its roots from the Kurt Schmid-Ehmen styled eagles displayed in the Luitpold Arena at the Nürnberg Rally Grounds. This image came from a postcard, serial numbered 1113 from the art publishing house of G. Michel based in Nürnberg. Many designs of such commemorative postcards were made available during the rallies and known as Reichsparteitag Nürnberg series.

The Reichszeugmeisterei (RZM) was the central government quartermaster that controlled the nations material production during the second world war Germany. The Procurement Office defined the design, production and quality standards of all equipment and products, serving for standardisation and quality control. There were 12 RZM codes (M1-badges and insignia (Metallabzeichen); M2-sub-contractors (Hilfsbetriebe); M3-symbols (Symbole); M4-belt buckles (Koppelschloss); M5-uniform fittings (Uniformeffeffekten); M6-aluminum products (Aluminiumwaren); M7-daggers (Dienstdolch u. fahrtenmesser); M8-metal accessories (Metallzubehorteile); M9-meeting badges (Fest-u. Tagesabzeichen); M10-musical instruments (Musikinstrumenten); M11-NSDAP Service Awards (NSDAP Dienstauszeichnungen); M12-Miniature NSDAP Service Awards (NSDAP Dienstauszeichnungen in Miniatur)), of which only M3 codes for symbolic artefacts will be investigated in this blog. M3 "Symbole Hersteller" thus included artefacts such as room decorations, honor prizes, table stands, auto plaques, radiator ornaments, vehicle pennant pole tops, flag pole tops, lyre and Schellenbaum crests, and office signs, etc. Further which this blog aims to look at eagle influenced symbols.