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Site last updated: 1 April 2018. Periodic updates are made - This site is for historical purposes only and I have no political agenda or views. This blog is a personal hobby and while I endeavour to provide information as accurately as possible, it may be difficult due to the sometimes controversial nature of the artefact, or that little documented history is known. Like most collectibles, the decision about a piece still ultimately rests with you. All photos unless stated belong to the owner and permission must be sought in writing before use. Email us at: thirdreicheagles@gmail.com

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Anniversary of Coburg Commemorative Plate

Little is known about this Anniversary of Coburg commemorative plate which says "Gautreffen der Alten Garde der Bayerischen Ostmark in Coburg 1937" that literally translates as "District meeting for the Old Guards in Gau Bayerische Ostmark in 1937", with text depicting the "City of Coburg" in the lower centre and the arms showing an inverted sword and a crest. The city arms were used for Coburg within the state of Bayern from 1934 to 1945, represented with gold and black over the sword, with a swastika in the pommel. The porcelain plate has beautiful inverse details of the text and the Coburg Badge in the centre, with a stunning tea-brown glaze. On the reverse shows the Roseler maker mark stamps with two small holes at the back, presumably for mounting onto the wall. On the back also shows the porcelain code number 8772 which is identical to other known examples. This particular Roesler stamp was used around 1937 that shows an RMR mark encircled by Roesler Feinsteingut Rodach. The symbol of a hedge rose, part of the family crest derived from the name Roesler was chosen as the company mark. The company was official registered on the 24th of July 1894 in the town of Rodach, located between the Bavarian town of Coburg and the Thuringian town of Suhl. The company was originally set up for making and decorating porcelain, stoneware and other fine earthenware. Only two known examples of this plate have been documented, making this third piece an extremely rare and treasured find. From author's collection.

Friday, 8 August 2014

The Coburg Badge (Coburger Abzeichen): A History

Another photographic rendition of the Coburg Badge (Coburger Abzeichen). It was the highest party award since its inception in 1932 and held in greater esteem than the Blood Order itself. This is a rare award as only 436 names were entered on the official party roll of recipients who were entitled to the badge.

Hitler was invited with his party to the city of Coburg to hold a 'German Day' on 10 October 1922. This was a folk festival to encourage German rural life. Although the city was Marxist controlled, the event would provide a political platform to publicise the party with media attention. When they arrived, the Marxist citizens began to become rowdy and it led to a fight. In a turn of events, some of the crowd began to join Hitler's party and soon they won over the townsfolk. That evening Hitler addressed a meeting in the town hall attended by the Duke and Duchess of Coburg who later become active Nazis.

By now, Hitler's first decisive victory had become a Nazi folklore. Only the ardent and most staunch followers would have the answer if asked 'But were you at Coburg?'
From author's collection.

credits: C. Alisby / image below from book cover of Kampf um Coburg

What Every Political Collector Should Have ...

These awards were given official recognition as a decoration of the party in a decree made by Hitler on 1935. These are followed by a second list of civil permitted badges of the party and its associates, reinforcing that of the earlier decree 1934. The Three of a Kind amongst some of the awards - The NSDAP Reichparteitag at Nurnberg in 1933; the Parteitag at Nurnberg in 1929; and the SA Treffen at Braunschweig in 1931. From author's collection.

The 4th Party Congress, known as the "Day of Composure", was held on August 2, 1929. The propaganda film Der Nürnberger Parteitag der NSDAP was made at this rally.

The 1931 SA Braunschweig Treffen badge was originally designed as a day badge sold at the actual event. Hitler audaciously brought a larger contingent of SA to the event than was anticipated and dominated the event. As a commemoration, the badge was elevated to a 'traditions' award after 1933

The 5th Party Congress was held in Nuremberg, August 30 – September 3, 1933. It was called the "Rally of Victory" (Reichsparteitag des Sieges). The term "victory" relates to the Nazi seizure of power and the victory over the Weimar Republic. Hitler announced that from now on all Rallies would take place in Nuremberg.

Credits: C. Alisby / C. Gottlieb